Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Birthday Grinch

I don't know about you guys, but every time when my birthday draws near, I'll have some kind of unsettling sensation in my stomach. Nervous. I think it's because I am trying to anticipate the surprises my family had in store for me. Not to mention the eggs and flour from my crazy friends. Thank God I don't get to celebrate my birthday in my hostel this semester. Photos of me covered in flour would certainly circulate around Facebook for weeks.

I loathe the awkward moment where you wake up in the morning of your birthday and get everyone in the house giving you 'Happy Birthday'. And also the moment where you're sitting like an idiot while waiting for your family and friends to finish up the 'Happy Birthday' song. Unfortunately, in my family tradition, they'll sing the song in Mandarin, English and Cantonese. So imagine that.

I don't really get birthdays, you know? It's just the day in which we were born. I don't do much awesome stuff so far in my life, never even changed the world one bit. Why should I 'celebrate' my birthday? And why the hell would I need presents for? People seems to exaggerate events. I wouldn't mind if somebody would give me presents, but giving others presents on their birthday makes me question the significance of that. (You can hate me now)

Aside from all that, I do appreciate birthday cakes.

And that will never change.

We do love our birthdays when we're kids


Unknown said...

Guess birthday is just a simple day that reminding you to appreciate yourself.. :p

Anonymous said...

chan chan.. out of topic jap..
org dh tukar link belog la chan..

ti u update ea kat nama orang tu.. =)

Chan said...

nana: hey, you got a point there. =D

ct: okay!! patut ler blog ko npk cam xupdate je kat aku nye blogroll.

Syafiqah said...

ok 3 times the happy birthday song does get awkward.hahaha!

happy birthday Chan :D

Chan said...

i can tell you that this year they've sung the song in 5 languages. Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, English, and Tamil.

haha. thanks, syaf! =D