Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Unwanted Visitor

I just came back from a painstaking night class, in fact, it's a test. Reaching for my key to enter the hostel, there's an unwanted visitor greeted me at the door.


It's a little kitten. He's been there since last week, and stayed in my block without ever leaving it. He played around my feet and attempted to punch my socks. I opened the door and let him in. Upon entering, he clawed around with my housemate's wet clothes hanging by the chair. Lucky we have no sofas in our hostel. He seems very thin and somehow was telling me to feed him.

I've withdrawn my fibre biscuits and crushed it for him to chew, all the while telling him if he was not going to eat it, I'm about to strangle him. I put the bits on the floor, he just sniffed around it before playing with my feet again. Fibre biscuits ain't cheap, y'know?

I let him play around my house and my housemate prepared him some tap water, he sipped it and continued his exploration in my living room. He seemed like trying to look for something in my house. He was so indulged in sniffing at every object he found, he even entered my toilet.

I've been a dog person for a while now, I have no idea cats would be so entertaining. Just outside the door, there's some discarded chilis on the floor. He sniffed at it as I smirked at him. As if he would eat that. He swallowed all the chilis before I could blink an eye. He prefered trash over my domesticated fibre biscuits. That 'picky' fellow.

After he had his 'chili con carne' outside my door, I decided that I should have some rest. I let him out and closed the door. As I was laying on my bed, the thought of that little kitty made me smile. The thought of whenever I opened my door in the morning, he'll be there, reaching for my socks.


tomkiddo said...

if i was you...i would have lost my virginity :P hahaha

Chan said...

psycho. hah!

Pill Pusher said...

did it brings the tomorrow's edition newspaper too?

Chan said...

oh no. just some excrement for me to clean up every morning. =(

Anonymous said...

this cat ada kat hostel perempuan nowadays.. ;p

Chan said...

lorhh.. patut ler da hilang ntah ke mana... =P