Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cooking Is The New Cool

Boredness sometimes get to me, y'know. You'll never know what I'm gonna do when I'm bored. The craziest I'd ever do when I'm bored is reciting all those slogans of cigarette ads. The less crazy, well, is cooking. To hell with what you're thinking! Guys who cook are romantic, alright?

You have been forewarned, although the foods I made seems attractive, but it is not necessarily edible. Get what I mean?

Grape-Apple Jumble

Description: This is a pretty lazy method to prepare. Cut apples, pluck some grapes and melt some chocolates and jumble it up. To put more taste, I dripped some lemon juice into the jumble then poured the chocolate sauce atop to decorate. I have doubts about lemon + chocolate at first, but it turned out great! Try and do it. Best if you mix more fruits into it, don't pick durians though.

Heavy Duty Tuna Sandwich

Description: There's a reason why I called it 'heavy duty", it's rich with nutrition! For each sandwich, I put 3 lettuce leaves, 4 slices of tomatoes, 2 slices of cucumber, and lots of onions. For the tuna, I mixed it with olive oil. Toast the bread, and started assembling the pieces of the mouthful of nutrition. Yum!

Super Scrambled Eggs Set

Description: This is the biggest leap of faith I took here. I have no idea on how to make scrambled eggs and cook baked beans. Threw 2 eggs and crushed it, put some tomatoes and onions alongside with it. Later, I drained the water from the can of baked beans and spill it into the wok. Damn, I have no idea that it will pop like popcorns. A few landed on my arms as I screamed for help. Put a few slices of onion into the mixture. After arranging it on the plate, I dropped a few drips of lemon into the dish (Pardon me, I love lemons!)

There you have it. These are the things I've done throughout the semester break, cooking and making my own dishes. Hey, I shouldn't be expecting my future wife to cook everything for me, right?


aenny said...

u pun da jd mcm i jugak. masak memasak je lahh sekarang. bibik i kan dah balek. best jgk actually. yg pasal minyak panas tu pulakk tak payah cakap lahh. hahahah tangan i sampai dah berparut-parut. btw, happy cooking! ;)

Chan said...

haha. da bosan gle, cuba masak2 la. tu ar, kalo mak i memasak, tak penah pulak kena minyak panas. kene blaja dr dia ni. =)

tora corgan said...

pehh lu dah tak main kamera lg apa???

Ok gua cuak tgk lu punya scrambel scrambler egg tu, kena langgar lori apa lu punya telor tu errr telur ayam tu....

Chan said...

main lg laaa, cuma da lama x upload kat blog. haha. lu kutuk sedap2 cuba lu bikin satu tgk.

tora corgan said...

hahahaaaa mana ada wa kutuk, gua cuma phobia tgk telor yang di perlakukan sebegitu hahaahaa

Misya Idris said...

u know wut dear. a man who cook for his loved ones is sexy!

Chan said...

tora: ahhh xde2! haha

babytiger: yeah! in the same time it's fun to look at them enjoying my cooking. =)

Misya Idris said...

hurmmm wana ask my bf to cook for me lah!!

Chan said...

yesss! tell him that. =D