Sunday, May 17, 2009


When I was a kid, I grew up in fear of the bogeyman. I'm afraid to sleep alone, fearing that there might be ghosts lurking under my bed. I'm afraid of four-legged closets, because of the dark narrow gap under it. In the future, I started to laugh it off whenever my mother relate the past to me. As a teenager that time, I denied superstitions and ghosts.

When I reached the age of 10, I started turning my fears to the group of bullies aged around 17-18 in my bus. They have cigarettes on their ears, and they speak foul languages. They never even tucked in their shirts. All of them have that kind of bad ass look. When I think about them now, I started to pity them instead of fearing them. They are just a bunch of immature kids who strive hard to ruin their own lives, after all.

Now that I'm 19, I started turning my fear towards the hypocrisy of mankind. What they say might not mean what they think. Today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy. There are almost nobody for me to trust. I'm always in fear that my friends will talk bad and spread propaganda to make people hate me. But now that I'm 19, I can think of certain issues independently. I wised up to God's tricks now. Perhaps I'll laugh at myself again after 10 years knowing that I'm such a paranoid. Maybe I'll shed tears after knowing that nobody actually cared about me. Why should they even try to defame me? Even if they do, who cares? The eyes of humanity are just as blind as night, looking at the cover but refuses to enter. Glanced at the broken gates but failed to enjoy the paradise within it. There are food critics, TV show critics, and also movie critics; but we have to accept that only God can be the critic for humans He made.

And did I mentioned that I wised up to God's tricks? God is just trying to test us. He wanted us to know that, the fear of other creatures strips you of your sanity and shall never last long. But the fear of God, it keeps you on the right track of mind and shall last forever.


Sanji desu! said...

Islamic Philosophy;
"You should fear no-one except The Almighty Himself"

Basically we're all creations of His. So why should we fear mortal creatures?

Btw you should be a philosopher.

Chan said...

yea sure. im still trying to be one. lol

and yeah, im doing this based on the islamic philosophy, its good to have you get my point entirely. =)

Anonymous said...

aku suka kesimpulan last tu...
hantu hanya mainan manusia, ciptaan nama, imaginasi dari cerita tokok tambah orang tua dulu.

yg aku percaya dalam dunia ni ada binatang, manusia, jin, syaitan dan malaikat. dan tu shj yg tuhan bagitau wujudnya. lain spt alien dan hantu wujud dalam buku dan majalah.

Chan said...

ya btol. mengapa nk takut dgn ciptaan sedangkan Penciptanya lg hebat dan berkuasa?